Rape Script For Roblox Download

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Rape Script For Roblox Download

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Dec 30th, 2018
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  1. -- Write the players name that u wanna fuc7 where it says 'Player name here'
  2. local A=Instance.new'Animation'
  3. local P=game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer
  4. local H=C:WaitForChild'Humanoid':LoadAnimation(A)
  5. H:AdjustSpeed(2.5)
  6. game:GetService'RunService'.Stepped:Connect(function()
  7. C:WaitForChild'HumanoidRootPart'.CFrame=CFrame.new(game:GetService'Players':FindFirstChild(Victim).Character:WaitForChild'HumanoidRootPart'.Position)
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Dec 21st, 2019
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  1. This is the remastered rape script created by RblxPloitz. Legs and hands on the victim are fixed/adjusted, Colors on the Questionable parts match the skin color of the Torsos.
  2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. function fWeld(zName, zParent, zPart0, zPart1, zCoco, a, b, c, d, e, f)
  4. funcw.Name = zName
  5. funcw.Part0 = zPart0
  6. if (zCoco true) then
  7. funcw.C0 = CFrame.new(a, b, c) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(d, e, f)
  8. funcw.C1 = CFrame.new(a, b, c) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(d, e, f)
  9. return funcw
  10. function fun(n1, n2)
  11. t1 = game.Players[n1].Character.Torso
  12. t2.Parent.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  13. ls1 = Instance.new('Weld')
  14. ls1.Part0 = t1
  15. ls1.C0 = CFrame.new(-1.5,0,0)
  16. t1['Right Shoulder']:Remove()
  17. rs1.Parent = t1
  18. rs1.Part1 = t1.Parent['Right Arm']
  19. rs1.Name = 'Right Shoulder'
  20. ls2 = Instance.new('Weld')
  21. ls2.Part0 = t2
  22. ls2.C0 = CFrame.new(-1.5, 0, 0)
  23. t2['Right Shoulder']:Remove()
  24. rs2.Parent = t2
  25. rs2.Part1 = t2.Parent['Right Arm']
  26. rs2.Name = 'Right Shoulder'
  27. lh2 = Instance.new('Weld')
  28. lh2.Part0 = t2
  29. lh2.C0 = CFrame.new(-0.5, -2, 0)
  30. t2['Right Hip']:Remove()
  31. rh2.Parent = t2
  32. rh2.Part1 = t2.Parent['Right Leg']
  33. rh2.Name = 'Right Hip'
  34. d.TopSurface = 0
  35. d.CanCollide = false
  36. d.BrickColor = game.Players[n1].Character.Torso.BrickColor
  37. d.Parent = t1
  38. local dm = Instance.new('SpecialMesh')
  39. dm.Parent = d
  40. fWeld('weld',t1,t1,d,true,-0.2,-1.3,-0.6,0,0,0)
  41. d2.Parent = t1
  42. local c = Instance.new('Part')
  43. c.BottomSurface = 0
  44. c.BrickColor = game.Players[n1].Character.Torso.BrickColor
  45. c.formFactor = 'Custom'
  46. cm = Instance.new('CylinderMesh')
  47. a = fWeld('weld',t1,t1,c,true,0,-1,-0.52+(-c.Size.y/2),math.rad(-80),0,0)
  48. c2.BrickColor = BrickColor.new('Salmon')
  49. c2.Parent = t1
  50. fWeld('weld',c,c,c2,true,0,0+(c.Size.y/2),0,math.rad(-10),0,0)
  51. bl.TopSurface = 0
  52. bl.CanCollide = true
  53. bl.BrickColor = game.Players[n2].Character.Torso.BrickColor
  54. bl.Parent = t2
  55. local dm = Instance.new('SpecialMesh')
  56. dm.Parent = bl
  57. fWeld('weld',t2,t2,bl,true,-0.5,0.5,-0.6,0,0,0)
  58. br.TopSurface = 0
  59. br.CanCollide = true
  60. br.BrickColor = game.Players[n2].Character.Torso.BrickColor
  61. br.Parent = t2
  62. local dm = Instance.new('SpecialMesh')
  63. dm.Parent = br
  64. fWeld('weld',t2,t2,br,true,0.5,0.5,-0.6,0,0,0)
  65. bln.TopSurface = 0
  66. bln.CanCollide = true
  67. bln.Shape = 'Ball'
  68. bln.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
  69. dm.MeshType = 'Sphere'
  70. dm.Scale = Vector3.new(0.2,0.2,0.2)
  71. local brn = Instance.new('Part')
  72. brn.BottomSurface = 0
  73. brn.BrickColor = BrickColor.new('Salmon')
  74. brn.Parent = t2
  75. local dm = Instance.new('SpecialMesh')
  76. dm.Parent = brn
  77. fWeld('weld',t2,t2,brn,true,0.5,0.5,-1.2,0,0,0)
  78. lh2.C1 = CFrame.new(0.2,1.6,0.4) * CFrame.Angles(3.9,-0.4,0)
  79. rh2.C1 = CFrame.new(-0.2,1.6,0.4) * CFrame.Angles(3.9,0.4,0)
  80. ls2.C1 = CFrame.new(-0.2,0.9,0.6) * CFrame.Angles(3.9,-0.2,0)
  81. rs2.C1 = CFrame.new(0.2,0.9,0.6) * CFrame.Angles(3.9,0.2,0)
  82. ls1.C1 = CFrame.new(-0.5,0.7,0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.9,-0.4,0)
  83. rs1.C1 = CFrame.new(0.5,0.7,0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.9,0.4,0)
  84. t1.weldx:Remove()
  85. we = fWeld('weldx', t1, t1, t2, true, 0, -0.9, -1.3, math.rad(-90), 0, 0)
  86. n.C0 = CFrame.new(0, 1.5, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-210), math.rad(180), 0)
  87. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  88. for i = 1,15 do
  89. wait()
  90. we.C1 = we.C1 * CFrame.new(0,0.1,0)
  91. end
  92. end))
  93. fun('Male', 'Female')

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