Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Chapter 2 Splash Screen

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Part 40: Chapter 2 Deadly Life, Part 1

I tried to suppress my screaming, but it was useless. It surged out of me, like water from a spring gushing out of the ground. Byakuya, on the other hand...

Let's Play Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc by FPzero - Part 8: Chapter 1 Daily Life, Part 2. The Let's Play Archive Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc by FPzero ‹ Part #7 Part #9 › Return to LP Index. Part 8: Chapter 1 Daily Life, Part 2 I rushed out of the room to meet up with all the others. But there was someone waiting for me there.

: Most unusual, don't you think...?
He was totally calm. Almost like he was watching this all unfold in front of a TV screen.
: Look. Chihiro's corpse has been suspended somehow. And something's been written on the wall, in blood... 'Bloodlust'?
: Such a brutal way to kill someone... No, this is beyond brutal. Wouldn't you agree?
: They killed her. How could it *not* be brutal?
: No, that's not my point. This murder is far too bizarre for any everyday amateur to have committed it. Unlike with Sayaka, this murder was not a crime of passion or necessity. It's almost as if whoever did this...did it for fun. You see what I mean, don't you?
: ...What?
My head was swimming. I was still reeling, too confused to understand what he was trying to say. And before I could even begin to clear my head...
: Hey, I heard screaming! Did something--?
: ...AAAAAAAAHH! Chihiro!?
*Ding dong, bing bong*
: A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!
: ...What the hell was that?
: Ah, that's right. You were unconscious during Sayaka's, so you don't know about it. What you just heard was the body discovery announcement. Apparently, when three or more people discover a body, an announcement plays to let everyone know. I imagine it's so that the search for the culprit can proceed fairly for everyone involved.
: The body discovery announcement!? Then Chihiro really is...?
: Dead, yes.
Danganronpa: D-D-D-D--!
: Before you start screaming your head off, go round everyone up. It seems another game has begun. Another life-or-death game to uncover a killer...
Taka bolted out of the locker room. As everyone made their way to the scene, it felt as if no time at all passed. It was like my sense of time had just...taken wing and flown away. When I finally came back to myself, I say everyone had the same look of confusion, fear, and anger. We all just stood there, gathered around Chihiro's body.
: Damn... I couldn't keep her safe!
: So there's another victim...
: Which means we are now in the same position once again.
: Fuck, man... What the fuck IS this!?
: It's a dream... This is a dream! It's all just a dream! In fact, I haven't even been born yet! I don't have any memory of ever being alive! Ugyaaaah!
: Shut up.
: Let's examine Chihiro's body.
: For now, pay attention to the wall.
: Huh?
: I said it once already. There's a word written there.
On the wall...?
The word 'bloodlust' is written on the wall in blood...
: I don't think it's any kind of dying message. It's just too...strange...
: But, you know...that thing about writing 'bloodlust' in blood... Doesn't it sound kinda familiar?
: A murderous fiend, who kills again and again using a bizarre and brutal method... And at the scene of each crime, the word 'bloodlust' is written in the victim's own blood. They're like a ghost, attacking suddenly then slipping away before the police can catch up to them. And what nickname did the Internet give to this mysterious serial killer?
: Genocide Jack!
Genocide Jack... The 'murderous fiend' whose grisly attacks were famous all across the country. The Ultimate Murderous Fiend, creating a reputation of abnormal, downright cruel killings.
: Then this is...some copycat killer trying to imitate Genocide Jack's 'style'? But...why would anyone do that?
: Perhaps...it's the work of the real Genocide Jack.
: The real...? Wait, are you saying Genocide Jack is here in the school!?
: Th-There's no way...!
: But going so far as to write bloodlust at the scene... I am surprised at their stupidity...
: I can't imagine a worse situation than dealing with a stupid murderer...
: Ah--!
: What is it now!?
: Toko!
Hina was pointing toward the entrance to the girls locker room.
: Ah...ahh...
Toko was the last to arrive, and now she was just standing there.
: ...? Nnnnnno... Wh-Why...? Why...? W...h...y...?
: She fainted! That did NOT sound good!
: T-Toko!
Hina rushed over to the collapsed Toko and started trying to shake her awake.
: Toko, are you okay!? Come on, wake up!
Danganronpa trigger happy havoc guide: Oh, that's right. I just remembered what she said, about how she faints anytime she sees blood.
: So she is hemophobic? I imagine she does not watch too many horror films, then.

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: This isn't a violation of the rules, right? I mean, technically she passed out somewhere besides her room.

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Chapter 2 Splash Screen Protector

: No, I think it should be okay. The regulations prohibit 'sleeping.' Like, on purpose.
: Ahh, so since she didn't faint on purpose, it doesn't count? Gotcha.
: Toko, can you hear me!? Hey, you gotta wake up!
As if she'd heard her...Toko suddenly shot awake. As in, she literally jumped up from where she was laying. It was such a strange reaction, I was at a total loss for words. She leapt straight up into the air, changing her stance as she did.
In no time flat, she was just...standing up. Ignoring the physical contortions she had to go through, her motions were totally haphazard.

: Huh? What?
: Sorry about that. I was just so shocked, ya know? It happens, right? Was I the only one?
: T-Toko? Are you...okay?
: I'm fine, I'm fine! Kyehaha...! Whoa, is that a dead body!? Hey! Are you dead!? Kyeehahaha!
: She musta hit her head *real* hard when she fainted...
: The world has a front and a back, a top inning and a bottom, a sea of truth and a web of lies!
: This is...quite concerning. I mean, she sounds completely different...
: No no no, everything's fine! At least the stutter's all gone. That's a good thing, right!? Kyeehahaha!
: It's clear to me that everything is *not* fine! Your eyes seem strangely vacant!
: It might be best if we take her back to her room for the time being...
: I don't mind taking her, but...could someone help me?
: If you need help, I don't mind--
: Taka, could you help me?
: Huh? She totally ignored me!
: Very well. You take care of the girl, and the rest of us can begin the investigation right away. Can I assume nobody has a problem leaving Sakura and Mondo on guard duty again?
: H-Hold on a second. Rushing to an investigation--
: The mastermind isn't behind that. After what happened last time, surely you realize that.
: Nng...!
: There is no question that Chihiro was murdered by someone among us. Isn't that right, Monokuma?
: Right as rain! But don't take it as a bad thing. It's just a fact of life!
: Because that's how graduation works!
Then...it's happened again? Is that what you're saying? That another one of us...? Another one of us...killed...a fellow classmate?
: What, does that freak you out? You guys got no balls, you know that!? Is there just nothin' down there at all? Well, I'll let you pray to mine if you want.
: Actually, I don't have any, either! Sorry!
: Stop monologuing and give us what you came here to give us. You *did* bring it, right?
: Hehehe... I sure did, chum! Allow me to present the next Monokuma File. I know how much you must be looking forward to it! So, please do you very tippytop best on this investigation! *leaves*
: Do we really gotta do another investigation...? Examining the corpse of one of our friends... Having to suspect all our *other* friends... I hate this... I can't take it anymore!
: I hate it, too! I-I-I've had enough! I'm gettin' outta here!
: Where do you plan on going? There's nowhere to run.
: Just accept it already. After all, blood is just a liquid. A dead body is a simple object.
: You are very...enthusiastic about all of this, are you not?
: How can I not be? If we don't unmask the culprit we all die.
: Th-That's true, but...to jump into it so soon...
: What? Do you *want* to die? Fine, then go off and die somewhere. Right now, go ahead. You're a waste of space.
: A dead body is an...object?
: Chihiro wasn't an 'object'! Show a little respect, or I'll beat some into ya!
: Everyone stop bickering. Listen, there's some truth to what Byakuya said.
: K-Kyoko!
: If we don't solve the mystery and find the killer, our own lives are forfeit. And if Byakuya is right that Genocide Jack is somehow the one who killed Chihiro then unless we do something, more victims could start piling up.
: Forget more victims! If we mess this up, we're all dead meat!
: Hold on, hold on. If that's your worry, you don't gotta worry any longer! In any one killing game, the guilty party may only kill a maximum of two people.
: What...? I don't remember any rule like that.
: I just came up with it. I mean, if one person went around and killed everyone, your lovely student life would be all over, right?
: The new rule has been added to the Regulations menu.
: In that case, why not limit it to *one* person?
: Well in a good mystery, you don't want to miss out on at least the *potential* of a serial killer angle! Nyoohohoho! Just one would totally murder that possibility!
: Farewell for now! I'll catch you guys at the class trial! *leaves*
: I can't say I understand his thinking, but if we can kill up to two people then one more person's life could still be in danger.
: Which is definitely not good. We need to uncover the culprit before something else happens.

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: YOU need to shut the fuck up!
: W-Well...for now, Taka and me are gonna drop Toko off at her room.
: Nice! I'm gonna get dropped off! *Taka, Hina and Toko leave*
: We have no time to stand around here. We must begin our investigation tout suite. If we do not solve the mystery of who killed Chihiro...
: ...then we will quickly follow her into the afterlife.
That's true... I hate this, but...if I want to survive... Me and everyone else... We have to do it. We don't have any other choice!
We just released a Feb. 5 '89 prototype of DuckTales for the NES!
If you'd like to support our preservation efforts (and this wasn't cheap), please consider donating or supporting us on Patreon. Thank you!
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

Also known as: Danganronpa: Kibō no Gakuen to Zetsubō no Kōkōsei (JP)
Developers: Spike Chunsoft, Abstraction Games (Windows & PS4)
Publishers: Spike Chunsoft, NIS America
Platforms: PlayStation Vita, Windows, PlayStation 4
Released internationally: Feburary 18, 2016 (Windows)
Released in JP: October 10, 2013 (Vita)
Released in US: February 11, 2014 (Vita)
Released in EU: February 14, 2014 (Vita)

This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused sounds.
This game has unused text.

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Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: Knife-in-gut action.

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc is a PlayStation Vita and Windows port of the PlayStation Portable game Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei.

To do:
Sprites of Byakuya Togami without glasses, demo leftovers (both higher resolution than PSP version), and an early unused close-up of Monokuma's face.
  • 1Unused Audio
  • 2Unused Graphics
  • 3Unused Text
  • 4Unused Textures
  • 5Unused Rooms

Unused Audio

Dubbed Monokuma Demo Lines

Despite no official English release of the demo existing, Monokuma's lines for the demo were dubbed. The first three were reused at the end of the PlayStation VR demo Cyber Danganronpa VR: The Class Trial.

Hold on just a second!
That's it! I can't let this go on any further! Because... because...
Because this is just the demo!
Puhuhuhuhuhu! I look forward to admitting you to the real thing!
Hahahaha! Hahahahahaha!

Unused Graphics

Alter Ego Class Trial Mugshots

Alter Ego has mugshots for both Class Trial discussions and Nonstop Debates, despite never participating in a class trial.

Dormitories Third Floor

This seemingly temporary art for a third floor of the dormitories on the map exists, though in the final game only the first two floors of the dormitories are accessible.

This floor seems to be almost identical to the first floor with some differences.

寄宿舎3FDormitories 3F

Trial Version

The original demo was included in Japanese versions of the Danganronpa 1.2 Reload bundle, but has never been released in English. Despite this, a 'Trial Version' header using the font used for chapter headers in the English localization is present.

Unused Text

Map Floors

To do:
See if it's possible to access the 3rd floor of the dorms on the map without the game crashing. Also see if we can figure out if there's a way to hack the map open during trials.

Several strings for the map exist in 17_FloorName.pak and 18_MapName.pak, referring to floors and rooms that cannot be seen on the map in the final game.

Floor. In the final game, the dormitories only have two floors. A temporary map graphic for this floor exists.
Floor. It's unknown what 'Monokuma Zone' could be referring to. It could be related to the unused map room entries for the trial courtroom and the execution grounds.
Room. Appears several times. In the final game, the map cannot be opened during class trials. May be related to the 'Monokuma Zone'.
Room. Appears several times. It can be assumed this would appear alongside the Class Trial Courtroom. In the final game, the map cannot be opened during class trials and all of the executions appear to take place in different locations.

Unused Textures

Early Dead Sayaka

bg_122.pak contains an early version of Sayaka in her death pose. This appears to actually be a render of a 3D model, though it has yet to be drawn over and blood and other details such as the knife have not been drawn on.


Numbered Placeholders

Images kotodama_icn_140.tga to kotodama_icn_149.tga appear to be placeholders with numbers drawn on them.

Placeholder Monokuma Bomb

bg_006.pak contains a placeholder graphic for the Monokuma Bomb from Chapter 5. The name of the file and text on the graphic translates to 'Bomb'. It has no transparency.

Placeholder Kiyotaka

bg_049.pak contains a placeholder texture of a crudely drawn dead body. The text translates to 'Ishimaru's corpse.' It was likely used as a placeholder for chapter 3.

Placeholder Toko

bg_049.pak contains a placeholder image of a crudely drawn body curled up on the floor. The text translates to 'passed out Fukawa.' It was likely used as a placeholder for chapter 3.

Placeholder Monokuma Monitor

This graphic can be found in many of the testing rooms. It appears to be the texture of the front of the final Monokuma Monitor with an image of Monokuma superimposed onto the 'screen' part. Unlike the final Monokuma monitor, which uses a render of a 3D model (usually at an angle), this graphic appears completely flat on the wall. It has no transparency.

Placeholder Workout Room Posters

Located in bg_027.pak and bg_028.pak are placeholder versions of the posters used in the male and female workout rooms.





Unused Rooms

Testing Room

In bg_000.pak, an empty white box room can be found. This room has many different copies throughout the game's files, each one containing different objects for testing. The textures for it are labeled dummy_floor_00 and dummy_wall_00. Unfortunately, none of these rooms have their scripts present.

The Danganronpa series
PlayStation PortableDanganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei • Super Danganronpa 2: Sayonara Zetsubou Gakuen
PlayStation VitaDanganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc • Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair • Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls • Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
PlayStation 4Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc • Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair • Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
WindowsDanganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc • Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair • Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Demo Version)
iOSDanganronpa: Unlimited Battle
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