Axon Roblox Hack

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Aug 1st, 2018

Roblox Exploit Source Code Called IceMeme with some cmds, lua c and limited lua execution with simple ui in c# - rakion99/IceMeme. Unlike normal software development developing a roblox exploit requires the developer to study robloxs internals and how the engine works. Who is the chief executive or managing director of this us company. Sign up it unlocks many cool features. Not roblox hack legit free robux method 1000 robux per day. Roblox how to get free.


Axon Roblox Hack Game

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  1. #include 'Bridge.h'
  2. #include <iostream>
  3. #include <vector>
  4. #include <fstream>
  5. #include <Tlhelp32.h>
  6. #include <Wininet.h>
  7. usingnamespace std;
  8. DWORD ScriptContext;
  9. DWORD ScriptContextVFTable = x(0x114B4E0);// Roblox ScriptContext Addy
  10. DWORD grabGlobalStateIndex(DWORD ScriptContext, int idx)
  11. DWORD* context =reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(ScriptContext);
  12. }
  13. using Bridge::m_rL;// Roblox Lua State
  14. void PushGlobal(DWORD rL, lua_State* L, constchar* s)
  15. r_lua_getglobal(rL, s);// Push onto stack global name
  16. lua_setglobal(L, s);// Pop value from stack and set as new value of global name
  17. r_lua_pop(rL, 1);// pop value from stack at positon 1
  18. DWORD WINAPI input(PVOID lvpParameter)// input pipe
  19. string WholeScript =';
  20. char buffer[999999];
  21. hPipe = CreateNamedPipe(TEXT('.pipeAxon'),
  23. 1,
  24. 999999,
  25. NULL);
  26. {
  27. {
  28. while(ReadFile(hPipe, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, &dwRead, NULL)!= FALSE)
  29. buffer[dwRead]='0';
  30. try{
  31. }
  32. }
  33. catch(std::exception e){
  34. }
  35. }
  36. printf('Error: %sn', lua_tostring(m_L, -1));
  37. lua_pcall(m_L, 0, 0, 0);
  38. WholeScript =';
  39. DisconnectNamedPipe(hPipe);
  40. }
  41. bool CompareData(constchar* Data, constchar* Pattern, constchar* Mask){
  42. if(*Mask !='?'){
  43. returnfalse;
  44. };
  45. ++Data;
  46. };
  47. };
  48. DWORD ScanForScriptContext(constchar* SCVFT_Offsetted){
  49. MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION BasicMemoryInformation ={};
  50. GetSystemInfo(&SystemInformation);
  51. DWORD StartingMemorySearchPosition =(DWORD)SystemInformation.lpMinimumApplicationAddress;
  52. DWORD MaximumSearchBoundary =(DWORD)SystemInformation.lpMaximumApplicationAddress;
  53. while(VirtualQuery((void*)StartingMemorySearchPosition, &BasicMemoryInformation, sizeof(BasicMemoryInformation))){
  54. if((BasicMemoryInformation.Protect& PAGE_READWRITE)&&!(BasicMemoryInformation.Protect& PAGE_GUARD)){
  55. for(DWORD Key =(DWORD)(BasicMemoryInformation.BaseAddress);((Key -(DWORD)(BasicMemoryInformation.BaseAddress)< BasicMemoryInformation.RegionSize));++Key){
  56. if(CompareData((constchar*)Key, SCVFT_Offsetted, 'xxxx')){
  57. };
  58. };
  59. StartingMemorySearchPosition += BasicMemoryInformation.RegionSize;
  60. }while(StartingMemorySearchPosition < MaximumSearchBoundary);
  61. };
  62. int getRawMetaTable(lua_State *L){
  63. Bridge::push(L, m_rL, 1);// Push Roblox lua onto stack
  64. if(r_lua_getmetatable(m_rL, -1)0){// if metatable on stack = 0 continue
  65. lua_pushnil(L);// pushes a nil value onto the stack
  66. }
  67. Bridge::push(m_rL, L, -1);// Push Vanilla lua onto stack
  68. return1;
  69. staticint UserDataGC(lua_State *Thread){// basiclly when lua collects a full user data it calls this to free the userdata's memory (thats taken straight from the lua manual lol)
  70. void*UD = lua_touserdata(Thread, 1);// if index is userdata return block address if light userdata return pointer else return null
  71. r_lua_rawgeti(m_rL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, (int)UD);// push onto stack -1000 and UD value
  72. if(r_lua_type(m_rL, -1)<= R_LUA_TNIL){// if type is less then or equal to R_LUA_NIL continue
  73. lua_rawseti(Thread, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, (int)UD);
  74. }
  75. return0;
  76. void main()
  77. ScriptContext = ScanForScriptContext((char*)&ScriptContextVFTable);// Get Scriptcontext
  78. m_rL = grabGlobalStateIndex(ScriptContext, 41);// Get Roblox's Lua State
  79. Bridge::VehHandlerpush();// Set VectoredExceptionHandler
  80. luaL_openlibs(m_L);// open all standard lua libs to the state
  81. lua_pushcfunction(m_L, UserDataGC);// Push C Function onto the stack
  82. lua_pushvalue(m_L, -1);
  83. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'game');
  84. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'workspace');
  85. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'Axes');
  86. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'CFrame');
  87. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'ColorSequence');
  88. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'NumberRange');
  89. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'NumberSequenceKeypoint');
  90. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'Ray');
  91. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'Region3');
  92. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'TweenInfo');
  93. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'UDim2');
  94. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'Vector2int16');
  95. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'Vector3int16');
  96. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'Faces');
  97. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'math');
  98. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'typeof');
  99. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'spawn');
  100. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'print');
  101. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'ypcall');
  102. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'wait');
  103. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'Delay');
  104. PushGlobal(m_rL, m_L, 'LoadLibrary');
  105. lua_register(m_L, 'getrawmetatable', getRawMetaTable);// set getRawMetatable as the value of getrawmetatable
  106. lua_newtable(m_L);// creates a new table and pushes it onto the stack
  108. MessageBoxA(NULL, 'Africanus is better than younKai fucked me on my house :DnAero is GaynSettings bombed a schooln<Aspect> bditt is less gay than Pudding MugnxGladius is less gay than Kai but still true gay lovenTrapFX is a weeb', 'The Truth', MB_OK);
  109. BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE Module, DWORD Reason, void* Reserved)
  110. switch(Reason)
  114. default:break;
  115. }
Jul 10th, 2018

Axon Roblox Hack Codes

Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
  1. using System.IO;
  2. using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
  3. using System.Windows.Forms;
  4. namespace AxonSimpleUI
  5. class NamedPipes
  6. public static string luapipename = 'Axon';//Axon name of lua pipe
  7. [DllImport('kernel32.dll', CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
  8. private static extern bool WaitNamedPipe(string name, int timeout);
  9. public static bool NamedPipeExist(string pipeName)
  10. bool result;
  11. {
  12. if (!WaitNamedPipe(Path.GetFullPath(string.Format('.pipe{0}', pipeName)), timeout))
  13. int lastWin32Error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
  14. {
  15. return result;
  16. if (lastWin32Error 2)
  17. result = false;
  18. }
  19. result = true;
  20. catch (Exception)
  21. result = false;
  22. return result;
  23. public static void LuaPipe(string script)
  24. if (NamedPipeExist(luapipename))
  25. new Thread(() =>//lets run this in another thread so if roblox crash the ui/gui don't freeze or something
  26. try
  27. using (NamedPipeClientStream namedPipeClientStream = new NamedPipeClientStream('.', luapipename, PipeDirection.Out))
  28. namedPipeClientStream.Connect();
  29. using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(namedPipeClientStream, System.Text.Encoding.Default, 999999))//changed buffer to max 1mb since default buffer is 1kb
  30. streamWriter.Write(script);
  31. }
  32. }
  33. catch (IOException)
  34. MessageBox.Show('Error occured connecting to the pipe.', 'Connection Failed!', MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
  35. catch (Exception ex)
  36. MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString());
  37. }).Start();
  38. else
  39. MessageBox.Show('Inject ' + Functions.exploitdllname + ' before Using this!', 'Error', MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
  40. }
  41. }

Axon Roblox Hack Exploit

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Axon Roblox Hack Games

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